I am now MDes student of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design in UK.

What is your feeling when see this email address (funnyface@hotmal.com) on formal CV paper? How to set points for an effective CV? Introduce yourself or write down what the employer wants? How to mark yourself with marketing ideas...
I was happy to make sense from CV writing workshop yesterday afternoon which was quite helpful and enjoyable. What I want to mention here is not CV writing skills or any contexts of it. I was absorbed by teaching method. It was interactive: practice-oriented,
teamwork and role play.(Change way of thinking)
We were required to be role play as employer. Read other people's CV and made sure whether to employ him. Of course, evidence was always essential. Chris, my popular classmate who has fantastic sense of humor expressed that he liked the guy's email name' funnyface' and was willing to employ him because it represented the man's personality: pure-hearted, funny as well.   Laughing!!! Teacher aired her opinion about the email event and we learnt more of the joking. 
It is quite different from Chinese lecture. More than 100 students sit in a huge room and try to keep waking up themselves. Normally, they are required to fill forms as homework and get marks. Finally, it's always hard to know what their really thinking. There is no absolute standard for learning. Reflection is necessary. 

1 comment:

Qin Han said...

maybe i should consider change my email name now... eh...