I am now MDes student of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design in UK.

Design is...


1:14 AM | 0 Comments

I am stuck on process of final project. How to develop? Critical Design or Product-oriented? I need more details...


1:41 AM | 0 Comments

I had three full days workshops which were all brilliant even unforgettable and I was immersed in a creative atmosphere completely.
Especially for today's workshop-THE DEEP DIVE, which was presented by Mr Colin who has abundant design work experience in IDEO. I really admired the fineness of his speech. (DRAMATIC + INSPIRED + PLAYFUL + HORTATIVE + EFFECTIVE + ANIMATING)
Actually, I never before absorbed by the context like it. I am now fully alive to the value of teamwork (Commutative + Muti-angle) and how important to change your mind when you are engaged in a creative task and what the meaning of brain storming ( 20<30,min)

I finished a self-portrait today in order to give you as a birthday gift. Happy Birthday,my dear friend! Love forever...

Please click here:

Time is flying....

Two months past. How fast it is!!
London trip + \\ Keep on walking\\ Sometime we have to keep on walking. Hold on when you feel exhaust!
Whole day class + \\ I really like courses here not only the fascinating content but also they are people-oriented. Basically, I got confidence though leaning diverse methods like communication skills,story telling,etc.
Money shortage + \\ Find TK MAXx which is a huge market sells branding cloths. I bought Tops of DKNY only 8 pounds each. I also bought some cheap knitted shirts made in Italian. Please renounce consumption!!!
Computer disorder + \\ Why does Mac book stuck always when I chat to my friends? Website problem? Should be re-installed!
Social dinner +\\ Big Nang + curry rice + Apple pie = DELICIOUS!
Cook +\\ I am now a cook with Mix and Match style. It is creative way to eat Haggies (traditional Scottish beef) with Beijing Duck style.

I found courses here were close connection as today we had a fantastic lecture about communication. Professor emphasized that: "To be a storyteller when you put into a presentation. It is significant to be a persuader as well!"
He also introduced many useful methods and inspired me a lot. I will adjust them and display here. Now, I only recommend you a nailing website named TED. Don't ask any questions about it, JUST SEE IT:)


iLike the courses-Storytelling!

Today we had a workshop which researched on traditional storytelling and new media was inspired by the idea that design in modern society could learn from the culture. It was interesting although I was a little bit nervous at the beginning.

After introducing the Scottish traditional storytelling, we tried to say something with Scottish style- strike a match and finish the story till it go out. That was dramatic.

After that, we were required to choose one individual topic according as culture background and shared together in group. After that we defined the context via one word. Finally, we had a big communication. Topics like "Emotion and family" were popular.

After lunch, we were engaged in another big task- to be a storyteller. Firstly, we spent 15 min to read a story and then painted 6 points on paper like cue card. Then, we changed the story each other with different methods. The tutor asked us to finish an abstract painting which included all the context of the story and then displayed them. (No words, no details, just some colorful symbols) Frankly, it was hard to choose the elements what you needed.

Finally, we shared stories like a professional storyteller. I was happy because I used role play with my fellow which was successful!

Summary: I learnt how to transfer massive words to be images which is useful to retell something. Story = organized ideas.


8:32 PM | 0 Comments

日子忙碌起来!看了下课表,小小惊叹。下周起的课从周一到周五占了个满坐,还有个presentation在不远的将来召唤我,一阵寒气。下周末去伦敦,归来该是reading week了。借了厚厚一书包的书,有设计概念的,艺术理论的....再看看推荐书目跟着天天刷新,这要看到猴年马月呀!罢了,每天面对满满当当的abcd,全然做个洋书虫吧!我爬我爬creep...不过,现在看书比刚来时快多了,还记着Bill说过的秘诀:书就是要越读越薄,要用脑子精简着读。

既然如此辛苦,当然需要提前犒劳一下肚子。今天和朋友们小型聚餐,跑去Jimmy Chung's (中国自助餐)吃了顿饱饭。那可是提前做足了准备工作,前一天晚睡,第二天晚起,一上午只喝白水,以此将胃里的资源重新整合,腾出更大的存储空间来。饭后闲聊,难得的惬意周末呀,特此拍照留念,呵呵!


After PS...


1:10 AM | 1 Comments

Feel tired and miss someone...



Dundee 人: 特别友好,始终觉得不太真实。也许是国内受冷落白眼惯了,初来乍到真还不习惯别人的友善。
Dundee大学:非常不错,high level。综合性大学就是不一样,学生藏龙卧虎,背景迥异,更有厉害的是教授,老师,深藏不露,却谦虚亲切。
Dundee的环境:17万人口的小城,功能齐全,生活非常方便。步行就能来回学校、city center、还有寝室。人们爱说sorry,怪怪的苏格兰口音,似懂非懂,呵呵。

Hi, I make post card every week and record my life here. Hope you like them.

Week 3

Week 2

Week 1

Week 0

My Note

12:20 AM | 0 Comments

Em... this is my first time to note something by mind mapping, so... Just try it! Hope will be better later.

Here is my Photo Link : )

11:04 AM | 0 Comments

have a look at arlene's blog

Sigur Ros

10:55 AM | 0 Comments


I'm Grace. This is my new blog....  Welcome!